
FullPy supports several backend servers.

Gunicorn backend

The Gunicorn backend supports both Ajax and WebSockets web apps. Ajax web apps can be run with or without GEvent. WebSockets web apps automatically use Gevent.

from fullpy.server.gunicorn_backend import *
serve_forever([MyWebApp()], "", url_prefix = "", flask_app = None, log_file = None, nb_process = 1, max_nb_websockect = 5000, worker_class = None, use_gevent = False, gunicorn_options = None)

Werkzeug backend

The Werkzeug backend supports only Ajax web apps.

from fullpy.server.werkzeug_backend import *
serve_forever([MyWebApp()], "", url_prefix = "", flask_app = None, log_file = None, nb_process = 1, werkzeug_options = None)

Flask backend

The Flask backend supports only Ajax web apps.

It is not exactely a backend: it just create a Flask application for the web app (or add the web app to an existent Flask application). Then, it is up to you to choose any Flask-compatible server (i.e. any WSGI server).

from fullpy.server.werkzeug_backend import *
flask_app = serve_forever([MyWebApp()], "", url_prefix = "", flask_app = None)