Installing FullPy

FullPy can be installed with ‘pip’, the Python Package Installer.

Installation from terminal (Bash under Linux or DOS under Windows)

You can use the following Bash / DOS commands to install FullPy in a terminal:

pip install fullpy

If you don’t have the permissions for writing in system files, you can install FullPy in your user directory with this command:

pip install --user fullpy

Installation in Spyder, IDLE, or any other Python console

You can use the following Python commands to install FullPy from a Python console (including those found in Spyder3 or IDLE):

>>> import pip.__main__
>>> pip.__main__._main(["install", "--user", "fullpy"])

Manual installation

FullPy can also be installed manually in 3 steps:

# Uncompress the FullPy-0.1.tar.gz source release file (or any other version), for example in C:\ under Windows

# Rename the directory C:\FullPy-0.1 as C:\fullpy

# Add the C:\ directory in your PYTHONPATH; this can be done in Python as follows:

import sys
import fullpy